Published on Friday evenings, this blog series features five films from streaming services that you can access for free using your library card.


Richland Library Main

5 Films for Free: The Music Doc

This list is only scratching the surface - if you find that these pique your curiosity, take a moment to look around our catalog and see what else you might find!
Richland Library Main

5 Films For Free: Nature and Nurture

This weekly blog series, published each Friday evening, features five films from streaming services which you can access for free using your library card.
Richland Library Main

5 Films For Free: Bollywood Calling

This weekly blog series, published each Friday evening, features five films from streaming services which you can access for free using your library card. The five selections this week are from Bollywood.
Richland Library Northeast

5 Films for Free: Samurai Films

This weekly blog series, published each Friday evening, features five films from streaming services which you can access for free using your library card. The five selections this week highlight Japanese director's use of samurai culture as a springboard to tell very human stories about honor, duty, selflessness, violence, intrigue and love.
Richland Library Ballentine

5 Films for Free: Birds, Bugs, and Botany

This weekly blog series, published each Friday evening, features five films from streaming services which you can access for free using your library card. The five selections this week are nature documentaries - just because we're stuck inside doesn't mean we can't still enjoy some of the wonders of our world!
Richland Library Main

5 Films for Free: Eccentric Leads On A Mission

This weekly blog series, published each Friday evening, features five films from streaming services which you can access for free using your library card. The five selections this week follow magnetic leads with highly specific goals outside the norm.
Richland Library Main

5 Films for Free: Family Frailties

The 5 films chosen for this week highlight the fraught (and sometimes downright scary!) relationships that exist in families. After watching these, you'll be happy that you're quarantined with your own people, and not these fictional clans!
Richland Library Main

5 Films for Free: Who are the real monsters?

This is a list of films that are a kaleidoscope of life that happens to everyday people like us. Each film is available to stream for free with a Richland Library card.
Richland Library Main

5 Films for Free: Comfort Food Comedies

The five selections this week are comedies, because laughter may not always be the best medicine but it can certainly distract you from the fact that you're running out of toilet paper!