Jun 18 6:00 p.m.

Richland Library Southeast

Celebration in Black: From Gullah to Freedom

Staff Picks

Galentines Day Reads

Happy Galentine’s Day! Show your girlfriends you really care by sharing a good book with them. From thrilling mysteries to heart-warming comings of age tales, this list is all about the power of female friendships.
Richland Library Main

Classic Holiday Recipes

Looking to serve the family a nostalgic meal during the holidays? Recipes for a classic dinner menu were selected from the Richland County Extension Homemakers Christmas 1988 cookbook.
Staff Picks

Gift Guide: Books for Your K-Pop Obsessed Teen

In a same vein as the "British Invasion" cultural phenomenon of the 1960's, Korean culture has significantly influenced Gen Z's tastes and trends . From K-dramas (Korean soap operas), K-beauty (Korean beauty products), to K-pop (Korean pop music), Korean cultural influence has been all the rage with the youth. If you have a young person in your life who loves K-pop, these might be some good titles to extend that interest into reading.
Staff Picks

Stories to Listen to After Dark! 2023

Need a good ghost story to listen to this spooky season?! Here are some scary and not-so- scary middle grade books released in 2023 to get listeners in the Spooky Spirit. Cozy up with your favorite blanket as you listen to some of these hair raising tales!
Staff Picks

Love your library!

As we celebrate our library's 30th anniversary this month, we thought we would highlight some streaming videos about libraries. Check out these awesome titles. Happy Valentine's Day!
Staff Picks

2022 Holiday Gifts for Early Elementary

Did you know that reading every day from an early age helps expand your child’s attention span? The early elementary ages are a great time to develop those skills by reading both novels and picture books aloud to your child. Whether reading independently or together, being surrounded by books will nurture their reading and will help them go from beginning to read to reading fluently.
Staff Picks

2022 Holiday Gifts for Upper Elementary

Children at this age are branching out into longer books. Novels can echo their real life experiences, but they can also tell new stories, boosting their imaginations and building their empathy. Books for tweens can be their way of fitting in or standing out. These books can also offer comfort during this time of transition and help them discover who they might grow up to be.
Staff Picks

2022 Holiday Gifts for Preschoolers

Preschoolers are primed for discovery and books are no exception. Treating books with loving care is something preschoolers are also beginning to learn. They will take pride in their growing library when you give the gift of books. Looking for even more good books? Check out our personalized recommendations or call us at 803-799-9084.
Staff Picks

2022 Holiday Gifts for Babies & Toddlers

Babies and toddlers are getting an introduction to the world of books. Reading to them on a daily basis helps them develop a routine where they begin to associate love, interaction, and family with books. Looking for even more good books? Check out our personalized recommendations or call us at 803-799-9084.
Richland Library Sandhills

Why is Juneteenth Celebrated?

Join us as we reflect on Juneteenth with stories that honor the past, illuminate black culture, and commemorate living unapologetically free.
Staff Picks

Holiday Mental Health

The holidays aren’t always the joyful experience they’re meant to be; in fact, they can exacerbate feelings of grief, anxiety, and depression. If you or someone you love is dealing with holiday blues this year, check out some of the titles below for helpful tips to ease the struggle. You are not alone! If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide or self-harm, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Help is always available.
Richland Library Main

Peppermint Catapults

Launch yourself into the holiday spirit by learning how to create a peppermint catapult.
Staff Picks

Handmade Holidays

Is there anything better than receiving a handmade gift from someone knowing they personalized it just for you and put their time, effort and thought into it? Return the favor by creating something one-of-a-kind for someone who is one-of-a-kind.
Richland Library North Main

Native American Heritage Month

There are 9.7 million Native Americans belonging to 562 federally recognized nations or tribes that live in the US, each with a unique history.
Richland Library Lower Richland

Author Spotlight: Junji Ito

Junji Ito might just be the most important scare-crafter in Japan. Learn what frights he can offer you inside.
Staff Picks

Talk Like a Pirate Day - September 19th

Ahoy! Get ready to sail the briny deep you landlubbers! Enjoy this list of Pirate movies to celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19th.
Staff Picks

Read Proudly!

Celebrate Pride Month by reading these books by members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Staff Picks

12 Days of YA Romances

Twelve holiday themed YA romances to have a cup of cocoa with this year.
Staff Picks

Holiday Gifts for Upper Elementary

Children at this age are branching out into longer books. Novels can echo their real life experiences, but they can also tell new stories, boosting their imaginations and building their empathy. Books for tweens can be their way of fitting in or standing out. These books can also offer comfort during this time of transition and help them discover who they might grow up to be.
Staff Picks

Holiday Gifts for Preschoolers

Preschoolers are primed for discovery and books are no exception. Treating books with loving care is something preschoolers are also beginning to learn. They will take pride in their growing library when you give the gift of books.
Staff Picks


Friendships near and far Connecting with friends and family, we are able to listen to each other's experiences. Let these items show us that we are not alone in how it feels to be human. Looking for more? Check out our personalized recommendations here or call us at 799-9084.
Staff Picks

Teen Horror

Devour these terrifying titles as Halloween creeps near or if you just crave that spine-chilling feeling year-round. From monsters to murder in dilapidated houses to haunted graveyards, you never quite know who or what is around the corner in these novels. Looking for more spooky reads? Check out these lists of Teen Ghost Stories and Teen Witches!
Richland Library Main

Share the Love

Spread a little Valentine’s cheer ❤️. Download and print🖨 our timeless, literary themed Valentines. Link in profile. Xoxo
Richland Library Sandhills

Let the Light Shine with Yule

Looking for another way to celebrate the turn to a new year? Consider Yule, a 12-day festival beginning with the winter solstice that celebrates light, prosperity, and joy.
Richland Library Main

Faces at the Carillon Parade

Columbia has hosted the Carillon Parade annually since 1953, both to usher in the holiday season and to showcase the area’s bands and talent. The library’s Local History Digital Collections allows us to see the evolution of the parade and to catch a glimpse of the smiling faces it inspired.
Richland Library Main

Handmade Holiday: Festive Finishes

Instead of run-of-the-mill holiday packaging, I thought I’d try my luck at some more decorative finishes this year. I’ve got time, right?
Richland Library Main

Handmade Holiday: Gift Ideas

This year, instead of spending a fortune on a last-minute run to the store, I thought I’d try my luck at some handmade gifts—something with a little more Hygge vibe.
Richland Library Main

DIY Wine Cork Pumpkins

Create the perfect Thanksgiving centerpiece with these easy, DIY Wine Cork Pumpkins!